Most pheasants and partridges are not born in the wild; they are purpose-bred on farms and released to be shot. Their parents may have been among the thousands kept imprisoned in cages for months – or sometimes years – in all temperatures and with no escape. They are so stressed they can wound each other and may also harm themselves in their desperation to escape.
The government says it ‘takes animal welfare very seriously’ and yet it allows these birds to live in misery.
Help us ban the cages.
pheasants and partridges bred to be shot every year
Watch our 360° video showing the miserable reality for many game birds
Contact your MP
MPs from all parties are speaking out against cages. Please contact yours today to ask them to support the campaign and take meaningful action. The text is already written – although you will be able to personalise it if you choose – so please just fill out your details.
This action is only open to those who live in the UK, as it is directed at Members of Parliament.
Contact your MS (Wales only)
MSs are speaking out against cages. Please contact yours today to ask them to support the campaign and take meaningful action. The text is already written – although you will be able to personalise it if you choose – so please just fill out your details.
This action is only open to those who live in Wales, as it is directed at Members of the Senedd.
What’s happened so far…
Campaign Timeline
Latest News
MPs support the ban
More than 100 MPs across the political spectrum have now pledged their support to ban cages for pheasants and partridges. See the full list of supportive MPs – if your MP has not pledged his or her support, please contact them now!
Poll shows 80% oppose cages
YouGov poll shows that 80% of Brits oppose the use of cages to incarcerate the breeding birds whose offspring will become feathered targets for shooters. 69% want a ban on game bird shooting for ‘sport’.
Another investigation reveals caged bird suffering
In August 2020, an unnamed game farm, operating outside the village of Brome Street, near Eye in Suffolk, has been keeping partridges used for breeding purposes in barren, oppressive cages – contrary to government welfare guidelines.
Get involved by ordering our campaign resources
Postcards to send to the Minister
Leaflets and posters for street stalls and fairs
Fact sheet
Social media images to download and share